Meet a Middle Grade Author

Meet John Peragine: Author of Secrets of the Twilight Djinn

Tell us about your books

My debut fiction series Secrets of the Twilight Djinn is a middle grade fantasy about a boy named Max who embarks on a quest to find his missing mother. He seeks the help of Spice Pirates and goes on an adventure full of magic, mystery, mythical creatures and along the way discovers who he really is.

What is your favorite food?

That is hard – because there are few foods I don’t like. In my Secrets of Twilight Djinn series – food plays a central role as the main characters are spice pirates.

What inspired you to write?

I was a latchkey child and spent hours and days in my local library. It was my sanctuary. I read Tolkien, Herbert and King. I began writing stories if my own. It wasn’t until I turned 40 that I realized I wanted to write for a living and give it a chance. I have been a full time writer ever since.

Where is your favorite place to read?

I love reading at the beach , because the waves create a nice background white noise that helps me concentrate and push the real world out of my mind.

What do you like to do when you’re not writing?

I create and paint miniatures. I love music (was a classical musician since age 10) and traveling with my family.

You can find John online in these places:



