Meet a Middle Grade Author

Meet Michelle Lee: Author of Between the Lighthouse and You

Tell us about your book

My debut book, BETWEEN THE LIGHTHOUSE AND YOU, launched in January 2022, from FSG.

It’s about a town that can receive messages from the dead, and the young boy and girl who form an unlikely friendship to contact their lost loved ones and face their grief―perfect for fans of the New York Times–bestselling Wish by Barbara O’Connor.

Which books did you enjoy growing up?

Ramona the Pest, Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, Charlotte’s Web, Little House series

What are your favorite foods?

DESSERT and cheeseburgers. Mango!

Tell us about your pets

No pets, but we have a stuffed dog named Tomoko who lives on our couch. He’s very clean.

What inspired you to write your book?

Big questions: what if you could talk to your loved ones who have passed away? What if they wrote you a letter and it washed up on the beach?

Where is your favorite place to read?

In the smallest, coziest place possible with lots of blankets.

What do you like to do when you’re not writing?

Spend time with my family: binge-watching House Hunters International, walking on the beach, baking cookies, traveling to new places. I also like to workout and make cards.

What did you learn when you were writing your book?

That the writing process comes in waves like the sea: some days, you will ride the surf and have the time of your life. Other times, you won’t have a ripple in sight. But it will all get done.

As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?

Write books! Second choice: radio personality. Third choice: Any job on Sesame Street.

What is a writing tip for aspiring authors?

Find a critique group that loves you, supports you, and gives you smart, thoughtful criticism. Oh, and develop thick, thick, thick skin!

Here are some places where you can find Michelle:


